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Jul 10, 2013 5 comments

Ц.Элбэгдорж Ерөнхийлөгчийн тангарагаа өргөлөө

нийтлэсэн Admin

29bfd28e47636b75bigМонгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгчийн сонгуульд ялалт байгуулсан Ц.Элбэгдорж дөнгөж сая Ерөнхийлөгчийн үүргийг шударгаар биелүүлэхээ батлан Төрийн ёсөн хөлт цагаан тугны өмнө тангараг өргөлөө. Ингэснээр Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгчийн сонгуульд 50.27 хувийн санал авсан Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч Ц.Элбэгдоржийн Ерөнхийлөгчийн бүрэн эрх албан ёсоор хэрэгжиж эхэлж байна.

Түүнийг тангараг өргөхөөр төрийн ордноос гарч ирэхэд талбай дээр хуран цугларсан ард түмэн болон зочид төлөөлөгчид босож хүндэтгэл үзүүлж байлаа.

Тэрээр “Монгол Улсын тусгаар тогтнол, бүрэн эрхт байдал, эрх чөлөө, үндэсний эв нэгдлийг дээдлэн хамгаалж Ерөнхийлөгчийн үүргийг шударгаар биелүүлэхээ батлан тангаргалъя” гэж тангараг өргөлөө. Дараа нь Төрийн алтан соёмбот тангаргын бичигт гарын үсэг зурж Төрийн тамгаар тамгаллаа. Мөн Төрийн далбаанаас адис авлаа.

Эх сурвалж: Шуурхай.мн

Манай сайт танд таалагдаж байвал LIKE хийгээрэй. Танд баярлалаа.

Холбоотой мэдээ

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  • enhjargal (July 10, 2013 1:41:05 pm )

    Bayr hurgej suun tsatsal urgii

  • ичих нүүр (July 10, 2013 1:51:12 pm )

    төрийн тугийг буулгаж авч яваа хэдэн гар хөл нь нийлэхээ байчихсан хэдэн юмыг энэ нэг хэдэн тэнэг зураглаач сэтгүүлч найруулагч нар нь ямарч удаан харуулав даа ичиж үхэх шахлаа

  • Anonymous (July 11, 2013 1:24:46 am )

    Ерөнхийлөгч сонгуулийн мөрийн хөтөлбөртөө ШИЙДВЭРЛЭНЭ гэж тусгасан асуудал шийдлээ хүлээж байна.
    Улаанбадрахад хорогдсон мал хөхөө өвлөөр илжирсэн нь учиртай юу?

  • peka (July 15, 2013 10:09:40 pm )

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    That exciting, joyous season known as Christmas is fast approaching. Everyone is anticipating loads of fun. But a lot of planning is required to make the holidays go smoothly. Plans must be made for dinners, parties, and all the get-to-gathers that will occur during this festive time. Presents must be bought and wrapped. Christmas trees selected, and decorations unpacked and hung. Children need to sit down and write their Santa Claus letters. Christmas cards must be addressed and sent out. Its nice to realize that all this meticulous planning and work will result in exuberant times and heartwarming memories that will last a lifetime.Sending a Christmas card is a simple gesture, but s***s the recipient that you care about them and want to connect during this convivial time of the year. Although there are many Christmas card designs available, a Christmas card with a photo of your family is always an excellent choice. Some folks like to make their Christmas card themselves. However most people do not feel they have the time or artistic capabilities to make such a Christmas card. If you fall into this category tinyprints is a great site to c**** out. With many different Christmas card template collections to choose from such as contemporary, vintage, portrait, and whimsy you are sure to find the perfect Christmas card idea. By adding the picture of your choosing to the card template, you will have a warm and memorable Christmas card to send.With todays user friendly digital cameras, you can take a photo that will be perfect for your Christmas card. First thing to remember when taking the “Christmas card photo is to have some fun and be creative. A picture of a formal, smiling family looking directly into the camera is not the “end all, be all.” If the kids want to get silly, let them get silly. Dont be intimidated by the idea of trying some action shots, or shooting from different angles. Now for the serious stuff. Set your camera to take pictures in its highest resolution mode. This will ensure the best possible quality photo for your Christmas card. Also remember that “light” is your friend. If your are shooting inside make sure the room is sufficiently illuminated. If you are shooting outside, again make sure the light is enough to have your subjects to be clear and recognizable. Lastly, remember to focus the shot and take a number of pictures so you have enough choices to select the best. Obviously, you do not want to use a blurry photo.Spread the Christmas spirit and ***re some news with a personalized Christmas card. If you dont have the time to create your card by hand, then tinyprints offers the next best solution. Our designers have done the difficult work by creating numerous Christmas card templates. All you have to do is choose a photo to personalize the tinyprints Christmas card design, and we will do the rest…except for addressing the Christmas card and mailing it!
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